Abattoir: slaughterhouse
Absinthe: wormwood liquor of a bright-green color
Acciaccatura: grace note, an embellishing note usually written in smaller size
Acedia: ennui, state of torpor of listlessness, spiritual apathy
Acervuline: aggregated, heaped up, bundled, collected or localized
Acidulous: somewhat acidic or sour in taste or manner, somewhat sarcastic
Acolyte: ranked clergy member, assistant in liturgical rites
Acoustic: of or relating to sound, the sense of hearing, or the science of sound
Acquiesce: to passively accept, to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively
Adroit: quick or skillful or adept in action or thought
Adumbrate: to explain faintly or opaquely outline, describe
Aeipathy: continued passion, unyielding disease
Aeneous: brassy, golden-green
Aeolian: pertaining to, of, related to, caused by or like the wind or Aeolus
Aeonian: continuing forever, eternal
Aerial: of, in, or caused by the air, existing or living in the air
Aesthete: person who appreciates art or beauty
Aestival: pertaining to, relating, designating, or of Summer
Aeviternal: eternal, endless, never-ending
Afflatus: strong creative impulse, especially as a result of divine inspiration, inspiration
Aileron: small moveable platforms on the back of plane wings that alter air movements
Ailurophile: cat-lover, one who loves or appreciates cats
Alabaster: dense translucent, white or tinted fine-grained gypsum
Alienate: to estrange, to cause to become unfriendly or hostile
Aliment: something that nourishes, food, to supply with sustenance or food
Allegretto: music term, moderately fast tempo
Alleviate: to allay, to lessen in pain or negative occurrence or consequence
Alloquy: speaking to another, an address
Allure: attraction, temptation, to attract with something desirable
Alluvium: unconsolidated sediments carried by water
Amaranth: deep-hued purple, flower, metaphor for immortality
Amber: light brown, light yellow
Ambience: atmosphere, a particular environment or surrounding influence, aura
Ambivalence: simultaneous, conflicted feelings towards a thing, person, etc
Ambrosia: food of the gods, something overpoweringly delicious or fragrant
Ameliorate: to make better, improve, enhance
Amelus: individual exhibiting Amelia (the congenital absence of one or more limbs)
Amethyst: deep purple, deep purple gemstone
Amnesia: partial or total loss of memory
Amphisbaena: Greek mythological being, two-headed snake, a head on each end
Amphora: ceramic, two-handled vase with a narrow neck, usually contains alcohol
Amulet: a charm against evil or impurity, often a piece of jewelry
Analemma: sundial, figure-8 indicating sun’s declination
Ancestry: the inception or origin of a phenomenon, object, idea, or style, lineage
Andante: music, moderately slow
Anemone: flowery marine creature
Antebellum: before or existing before a war, especially the American civil war
Anxiolytic: preventing or reducing anxiety, antianxiety medication, tranquilizer
Aperitif: alcoholic drink taken as an appetizer before a meal
Aphelion: when the orbit of earth is furthest from the sun
Aphesis: omission of sound or verbiage at the beginning of a word or phrase
Aphotic: devoid of light, especially of areas where no light naturally occurs
Apocope: omission of sound or verbiage at the end of a word or phrase
Apophenia: the perception of or belief in connectedness among unrelated phenomena
Apoplexy: stroke, impairment or neuralgia from cerebral hemorrhage
Aposiopesis: abrupt stop of a thought in a sentence, as if the speaker could not continue
Apostasy: abandonment of one's religious faith, political party, one's principles, or a cause
Apostolicity: being of or contemporary with the Apostles in character
Apotheosis: deification, quintessence, exaltation to divine rank or stature
Apropos: appropriate of, appropriate
Aquarelle: painting done in transparent watercolors, watercolor, watercolor painting
Aqueous: of, relating to, or resembling water, made from, with, or by water
Aquiline: resembling an eagle’s beak, hooked like a beak
Arabesque: ballet twirl, type of artistry involving a continuous, rotating design
Aria: air or song, a melody, solo in an opera accompanied by instrumentation
Artemisia: type of plant, genus of aromatic shrubs or herbs
Ascertain: to understand specific facts, to ferret out information
Ashlar: a squared block of building stone and dressed for outward placement
Asphodel: flower of the underworld
Astral: of or pertaining to the aster, stellar, star-shaped, pertaining to the stars
Asylum: refuge, a place to restore sanity or facilitate recovery
Atelier: artist’s studio
Athanasy: quality of being deathless, immortality
Athenaeum: institution for the promotion of literary or scientific learning, phrontistery
Aubade: poem or song about or evocative dawn or morning, opposite of nocturne
Auburn: moderate reddish-brown
Aura: distinctive and pervasive quality or character, air, atmosphere, emanation
Austere: severe or stern in disposition, discipline, or appearance, somber and grave
Autumnal: pertaining to, like, relating, or evocative of Autumn
Auxiliary: additional, supplementary, reserve, acting as a subsidiary
Avarice: extreme greed for wealth or material gain
Avenue: wide street or thoroughfare, roadway lined with tress
Azalea: type of plant, a common garden plant
Azoth: mythologized universal solvent, panacea
Azuline: light blue, similar to a light blue
Azure: sky-blue or a light blue
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