British Amateur Freestyle Boules Association (BAFBA)
Rules, Regulations, Terminology & Criterrium (UK Edition, circa. Jan 2011)
Metallic sphere thrown by protagonists of the game. Hence the game, 'Boules'.
- Also known as a "Cannonboule", a "Weightsheaf", a "Put-Put", a "Schwere Kugel", or a "Nebula" (pl. 'Nebulae').
The Jack, also known as a "Ballcock", is the small ball, often made of rubber or wood, used to establish a focal point for the throwing of the boules.
- Thrown by players at will, with no limit or regulation on length or direction.
An entire game of (first-to-21) boules.
- A maximum of 4 boules (and a minimum of 2) to be used per player during the Bastard.
- NB. The 3 boules Bastard, popularised in Scandinavia, is now illegal in the UK.
A single 'leg' played during a Bastard.
- Each throw of the Jack signals the start of a new Punnett.
- Closest boule to the Jack wins the Punnett.
- If 1 boule is closest, the player scores 1 point and they become the Jerk (see below) for the next Punnett.
- If they win by 2 boules they score 2 points, and so on.
- Biggest margin of victory possible is by 4 boules (see 'Fourzer', below).
- Punnetts continue until a player achieves an overall score of 21.
- As a player must win by 2 clear points, Punnetts within a Bastard can, theoretically, be endless - although there is technically a minimum of 6 Punnetts per Bastard (producing a winning score of 21-0).
The player currently in possession of the Jack (either the winner of the previous Punnett, or the first to Jack off in a Bastard).
To throw the Jack at the start of a Punnett.
When the Jerk throws the ball behind his own and the opposing player(s) back in order to deliberately cause confusion or disorientation. Whilst still legal, the Introverted Jack Off is now widely considered a controversial and most unwelcome intervention.
- Also known as a "Stephen Milligan", a "Milligan".
To hit the Jack with a boule during a Punnett.
Pronounced 'Wun - Zerr', this a victory in a Punnett by 1 boule.
- Largely unremarkable, it is the narrowest winning margin in a Punnett.
Pronounced 'Too - Zerr', this is a victory in a Punnett by 2 boules.
- It is considered a pleasing result.
Pronounced 'Three - Zerr', this is a victory in a Punnett by 3 boules.
- It is considered a very pleasing result.
Pronounced 'Forr - Zerr', this is a victory in a Punnett by 4 boules.
- Extremely rare, this is the best possible outcome for any player in a Punnett.
- The opposing player, however irked by the humiliation, is legally obliged to applaud the opposition player if they lose by a 'Fourzer'.
3 consecutive Punnett wins by a singular boule (a triple Onezer).
3 consecutive Punnett wins by a 2 boule margin (a triple Twozer).
3 consecutive Punnett wins by a 3 boule margin (a triple Threezer).
3 consecutive Punnett wins by a 4 boule margin (a triple Fourzer).
- Also known as 'The Holy Grail of Boules'.
A particularly wise, skillful or pleasing throw.
A particularly poor or ill-judged throw, that is subsequently derided by your opponent.
- Also known as a "Dripper", or a "Corn-hound".
When a player throws or lobs the boule high enough to ensure that the boule remains wholly stationary upon impact with the playing surface. Usually incorporated whilst performing on sandy or excessively muddy terrain, though occasionally also attempted on more traditional surfaces.
To apply enough back-spin to the airborne boule so that it double-backs towards the jack upon impact with the playing surface.
To apply enough side-spin to the airborne boule so that it swings noticeably to the left or the right upon impact with the playing surface. - Also known as a "Dingle", a "Raven", or a "Continental Cleft".
To intentionally strike an opposing player's boule during a Punnett.
To strike an opposing player's boule and then the Jack in one motion (a 'Winkle' followed by a 'Jack in').
- Extremely tricky, but impressive move - often used to dislodge an opponents boule that is already 'Jacked in' (touching the Jack).
An unidentified obstacle between the players and the Jack during a Punnett.
When the unidentified obstacle between the players and the Jack during a Punnett turns out to be a remote stool.