Saturday, 10 September 2011
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Nothing Rhymes with Nothing: Deerhunter.
Music for your listening pleasure...
Music for your listening pleasure...
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Note To Self:
When people start (or end) a sentence with the words "...if I'm being honest", then they're usually not being honest.
Nothing Rhymes with Nothing: Cat Power.
Music for your listening pleasure...
Better Late...
Shizo Kanakuri disappeared while running the marathon in the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm.
He was listed as a missing person in Sweden for 50 years — until a journalist found him living quietly in southern Japan.
Overcome with heat during the race, he had stopped at a garden party to drink juice, stayed for an hour or so, chatted to locals, washed his face, then took a train to a hotel before sailing home the next day, too ashamed to tell anyone he was leaving.
There’s a happy ending:
In 1966 Kanakuri accepted an invitation to return to Stockholm and complete his run.
His final time was 54 years, 8 months, 6 days, 8 hours, 32 minutes and 20.3 seconds — a record that will probably last forever.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Nothing Rhymes with Nothing: Gillian Welch and David Rawlings.
Music for your listening pleasure...
I lost you a while ago
But still I don't know why
I can't say your name
Without a crow flying by
Gotta watch my back now
That you turned me around
Got me walking backwards
Into my hometown
Throw me a rope
On the rolling tide
What did you want me to be?
You said it's him or me
The way you made it
That's the way it will be
It was seven years on the burning shore
With gatling guns and paint
Working the lowlands door-to-door
Like a Latter Day Saint
Then you turn me out
At the top of the stairs
You took all the glory
That you just couldn't share
I've never been so disabused
Never been so mad
I've never been served anything
That tasted so bad
You might need a friend
Any day now, any day
Oh my brother, be careful
You are drifting away
Throw me a rope
On the rolling tide
What did you want me to be?
You said it's him or me
The way you made it
That's the way it will be
The way you made it
That's the way it will be
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Wan Sinister Prediction.
You Are Free {2003}.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Note To Self:
Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.
Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.
Pet Sounds {1966}.
Friday, 24 June 2011
I’m taught p-l-o-u-g-h
Shall be pronouncé “plow.”
“Zat’s easy w’en you know,” I say,
“Mon Anglais, I’ll get through!”
Shall be pronouncé “plow.”
“Zat’s easy w’en you know,” I say,
“Mon Anglais, I’ll get through!”
My teacher say zat in zat case,
O-u-g-h is “oo.”
And zen I laugh and say to him,
“Zees Anglais make me cough.”
O-u-g-h is “oo.”
And zen I laugh and say to him,
“Zees Anglais make me cough.”
He say, “Not ‘coo,’ but in zat word,
O-u-g-h is ‘off.’”
Oh, Sacre bleu! Such varied sounds
Of words makes me hiccough!
O-u-g-h is ‘off.’”
Oh, Sacre bleu! Such varied sounds
Of words makes me hiccough!
He say, “Again mon frien’ ees wrong;
O-u-g-h is ‘up’
In hiccough.” Zen I cry, “No more,
You make my t’roat feel rough.”
O-u-g-h is ‘up’
In hiccough.” Zen I cry, “No more,
You make my t’roat feel rough.”
“Non, non!” he cry, “you are not right;
O-u-g-h is ‘uff.’”
I say, “I try to spik your words,
I cannot spik zem though.”
O-u-g-h is ‘uff.’”
I say, “I try to spik your words,
I cannot spik zem though.”
“In time you’ll learn, but now you’re wrong!
O-u-g-h is ‘owe.’”
“I’ll try no more, I s’all go mad,
I’ll drown me in ze lough!”
O-u-g-h is ‘owe.’”
“I’ll try no more, I s’all go mad,
I’ll drown me in ze lough!”
“But ere you drown yourself,” said he,
“O-u-g-h is ‘ock.’”
He taught no more, I held him fast,
And hit him wiz a rough!
“O-u-g-h is ‘ock.’”
He taught no more, I held him fast,
And hit him wiz a rough!
– Charles Battell Loomis
Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain {1994}.
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Note To Self:
Apply Deep Heat cream AFTER putting in contact lenses.
Apply Deep Heat cream AFTER putting in contact lenses.
Blood On The Tracks {1975}.
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Lion, oh.
I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One {1997}.
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Note To Self:
He who laughs last laughs slowest.
He who laughs last laughs slowest.
Pink Moon {1972}.
Coming soon...
Monday, 20 June 2011
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Nothing Rhymes with Nothing: PJ Harvey.
Music for your listening pleasure...
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Chance Meeting.
The last time I saw you, I was hoping it was the last time I saw you.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Monday, 6 June 2011
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Friday, 3 June 2011
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Nothing Rhymes with Nothing: Cat Power.
Music for your listening pleasure...
There's a dream that I see, I pray it can be
Look cross the land, shake this land
A wish or a command
Dream that I see, don't kill it, it's free
You're just a man, you get what you can
We all do what we can
So we can do just one more thing
We can all be free
Maybe not in words
Maybe not with a look
But with your mind
Listen to me, don't walk that street
There's always an end to it
Come and be free, you know who I am
We're just living people
We won't have a thing
So we got nothing to lose
We can all be free
Maybe not with words
Maybe not with a look
But with your mind
You've got to choose a wish or command
At the turn of the tide, is withering thee
Remember one thing, the dream you can see
Pray to be, shake this land
We all do what we can
So we can do just one more thing
We won't have a thing
So we've got nothing to lose
We can all be free
Maybe not with words
Maybe not with a look
But with your mind
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Monday, 30 May 2011
Abattoir: slaughterhouse
Absinthe: wormwood liquor of a bright-green color
Acciaccatura: grace note, an embellishing note usually written in smaller size
Acedia: ennui, state of torpor of listlessness, spiritual apathy
Acervuline: aggregated, heaped up, bundled, collected or localized
Acidulous: somewhat acidic or sour in taste or manner, somewhat sarcastic
Acolyte: ranked clergy member, assistant in liturgical rites
Acoustic: of or relating to sound, the sense of hearing, or the science of sound
Acquiesce: to passively accept, to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively
Adroit: quick or skillful or adept in action or thought
Adumbrate: to explain faintly or opaquely outline, describe
Aeipathy: continued passion, unyielding disease
Aeneous: brassy, golden-green
Aeolian: pertaining to, of, related to, caused by or like the wind or Aeolus
Aeonian: continuing forever, eternal
Aerial: of, in, or caused by the air, existing or living in the air
Aesthete: person who appreciates art or beauty
Aestival: pertaining to, relating, designating, or of Summer
Aeviternal: eternal, endless, never-ending
Afflatus: strong creative impulse, especially as a result of divine inspiration, inspiration
Aileron: small moveable platforms on the back of plane wings that alter air movements
Ailurophile: cat-lover, one who loves or appreciates cats
Alabaster: dense translucent, white or tinted fine-grained gypsum
Alienate: to estrange, to cause to become unfriendly or hostile
Aliment: something that nourishes, food, to supply with sustenance or food
Allegretto: music term, moderately fast tempo
Alleviate: to allay, to lessen in pain or negative occurrence or consequence
Alloquy: speaking to another, an address
Allure: attraction, temptation, to attract with something desirable
Alluvium: unconsolidated sediments carried by water
Amaranth: deep-hued purple, flower, metaphor for immortality
Amber: light brown, light yellow
Ambience: atmosphere, a particular environment or surrounding influence, aura
Ambivalence: simultaneous, conflicted feelings towards a thing, person, etc
Ambrosia: food of the gods, something overpoweringly delicious or fragrant
Ameliorate: to make better, improve, enhance
Amelus: individual exhibiting Amelia (the congenital absence of one or more limbs)
Amethyst: deep purple, deep purple gemstone
Amnesia: partial or total loss of memory
Amphisbaena: Greek mythological being, two-headed snake, a head on each end
Amphora: ceramic, two-handled vase with a narrow neck, usually contains alcohol
Amulet: a charm against evil or impurity, often a piece of jewelry
Analemma: sundial, figure-8 indicating sun’s declination
Ancestry: the inception or origin of a phenomenon, object, idea, or style, lineage
Andante: music, moderately slow
Anemone: flowery marine creature
Antebellum: before or existing before a war, especially the American civil war
Anxiolytic: preventing or reducing anxiety, antianxiety medication, tranquilizer
Aperitif: alcoholic drink taken as an appetizer before a meal
Aphelion: when the orbit of earth is furthest from the sun
Aphesis: omission of sound or verbiage at the beginning of a word or phrase
Aphotic: devoid of light, especially of areas where no light naturally occurs
Apocope: omission of sound or verbiage at the end of a word or phrase
Apophenia: the perception of or belief in connectedness among unrelated phenomena
Apoplexy: stroke, impairment or neuralgia from cerebral hemorrhage
Aposiopesis: abrupt stop of a thought in a sentence, as if the speaker could not continue
Apostasy: abandonment of one's religious faith, political party, one's principles, or a cause
Apostolicity: being of or contemporary with the Apostles in character
Apotheosis: deification, quintessence, exaltation to divine rank or stature
Apropos: appropriate of, appropriate
Aquarelle: painting done in transparent watercolors, watercolor, watercolor painting
Aqueous: of, relating to, or resembling water, made from, with, or by water
Aquiline: resembling an eagle’s beak, hooked like a beak
Arabesque: ballet twirl, type of artistry involving a continuous, rotating design
Aria: air or song, a melody, solo in an opera accompanied by instrumentation
Artemisia: type of plant, genus of aromatic shrubs or herbs
Ascertain: to understand specific facts, to ferret out information
Ashlar: a squared block of building stone and dressed for outward placement
Asphodel: flower of the underworld
Astral: of or pertaining to the aster, stellar, star-shaped, pertaining to the stars
Asylum: refuge, a place to restore sanity or facilitate recovery
Atelier: artist’s studio
Athanasy: quality of being deathless, immortality
Athenaeum: institution for the promotion of literary or scientific learning, phrontistery
Aubade: poem or song about or evocative dawn or morning, opposite of nocturne
Auburn: moderate reddish-brown
Aura: distinctive and pervasive quality or character, air, atmosphere, emanation
Austere: severe or stern in disposition, discipline, or appearance, somber and grave
Autumnal: pertaining to, like, relating, or evocative of Autumn
Auxiliary: additional, supplementary, reserve, acting as a subsidiary
Avarice: extreme greed for wealth or material gain
Avenue: wide street or thoroughfare, roadway lined with tress
Azalea: type of plant, a common garden plant
Azoth: mythologized universal solvent, panacea
Azuline: light blue, similar to a light blue
Azure: sky-blue or a light blue
Absinthe: wormwood liquor of a bright-green color
Acciaccatura: grace note, an embellishing note usually written in smaller size
Acedia: ennui, state of torpor of listlessness, spiritual apathy
Acervuline: aggregated, heaped up, bundled, collected or localized
Acidulous: somewhat acidic or sour in taste or manner, somewhat sarcastic
Acolyte: ranked clergy member, assistant in liturgical rites
Acoustic: of or relating to sound, the sense of hearing, or the science of sound
Acquiesce: to passively accept, to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively
Adroit: quick or skillful or adept in action or thought
Adumbrate: to explain faintly or opaquely outline, describe
Aeipathy: continued passion, unyielding disease
Aeneous: brassy, golden-green
Aeolian: pertaining to, of, related to, caused by or like the wind or Aeolus
Aeonian: continuing forever, eternal
Aerial: of, in, or caused by the air, existing or living in the air
Aesthete: person who appreciates art or beauty
Aestival: pertaining to, relating, designating, or of Summer
Aeviternal: eternal, endless, never-ending
Afflatus: strong creative impulse, especially as a result of divine inspiration, inspiration
Aileron: small moveable platforms on the back of plane wings that alter air movements
Ailurophile: cat-lover, one who loves or appreciates cats
Alabaster: dense translucent, white or tinted fine-grained gypsum
Alienate: to estrange, to cause to become unfriendly or hostile
Aliment: something that nourishes, food, to supply with sustenance or food
Allegretto: music term, moderately fast tempo
Alleviate: to allay, to lessen in pain or negative occurrence or consequence
Alloquy: speaking to another, an address
Allure: attraction, temptation, to attract with something desirable
Alluvium: unconsolidated sediments carried by water
Amaranth: deep-hued purple, flower, metaphor for immortality
Amber: light brown, light yellow
Ambience: atmosphere, a particular environment or surrounding influence, aura
Ambivalence: simultaneous, conflicted feelings towards a thing, person, etc
Ambrosia: food of the gods, something overpoweringly delicious or fragrant
Ameliorate: to make better, improve, enhance
Amelus: individual exhibiting Amelia (the congenital absence of one or more limbs)
Amethyst: deep purple, deep purple gemstone
Amnesia: partial or total loss of memory
Amphisbaena: Greek mythological being, two-headed snake, a head on each end
Amphora: ceramic, two-handled vase with a narrow neck, usually contains alcohol
Amulet: a charm against evil or impurity, often a piece of jewelry
Analemma: sundial, figure-8 indicating sun’s declination
Ancestry: the inception or origin of a phenomenon, object, idea, or style, lineage
Andante: music, moderately slow
Anemone: flowery marine creature
Antebellum: before or existing before a war, especially the American civil war
Anxiolytic: preventing or reducing anxiety, antianxiety medication, tranquilizer
Aperitif: alcoholic drink taken as an appetizer before a meal
Aphelion: when the orbit of earth is furthest from the sun
Aphesis: omission of sound or verbiage at the beginning of a word or phrase
Aphotic: devoid of light, especially of areas where no light naturally occurs
Apocope: omission of sound or verbiage at the end of a word or phrase
Apophenia: the perception of or belief in connectedness among unrelated phenomena
Apoplexy: stroke, impairment or neuralgia from cerebral hemorrhage
Aposiopesis: abrupt stop of a thought in a sentence, as if the speaker could not continue
Apostasy: abandonment of one's religious faith, political party, one's principles, or a cause
Apostolicity: being of or contemporary with the Apostles in character
Apotheosis: deification, quintessence, exaltation to divine rank or stature
Apropos: appropriate of, appropriate
Aquarelle: painting done in transparent watercolors, watercolor, watercolor painting
Aqueous: of, relating to, or resembling water, made from, with, or by water
Aquiline: resembling an eagle’s beak, hooked like a beak
Arabesque: ballet twirl, type of artistry involving a continuous, rotating design
Aria: air or song, a melody, solo in an opera accompanied by instrumentation
Artemisia: type of plant, genus of aromatic shrubs or herbs
Ascertain: to understand specific facts, to ferret out information
Ashlar: a squared block of building stone and dressed for outward placement
Asphodel: flower of the underworld
Astral: of or pertaining to the aster, stellar, star-shaped, pertaining to the stars
Asylum: refuge, a place to restore sanity or facilitate recovery
Atelier: artist’s studio
Athanasy: quality of being deathless, immortality
Athenaeum: institution for the promotion of literary or scientific learning, phrontistery
Aubade: poem or song about or evocative dawn or morning, opposite of nocturne
Auburn: moderate reddish-brown
Aura: distinctive and pervasive quality or character, air, atmosphere, emanation
Austere: severe or stern in disposition, discipline, or appearance, somber and grave
Autumnal: pertaining to, like, relating, or evocative of Autumn
Auxiliary: additional, supplementary, reserve, acting as a subsidiary
Avarice: extreme greed for wealth or material gain
Avenue: wide street or thoroughfare, roadway lined with tress
Azalea: type of plant, a common garden plant
Azoth: mythologized universal solvent, panacea
Azuline: light blue, similar to a light blue
Azure: sky-blue or a light blue
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